Small Groups

Home Groups—Theme—Growing Relationships in Christ for 6 sessions. Email the leader to sign up!
¨ Mader Home Group—2nd & 4th Tuesdays 6:30-8pm (cal.mader@gmail.com)
¨ McDowell Home Group—Every other Sunday starting on Sept 22 3:15-5pm (pmcdowell00@gmail.com)
¨ Zoom Home Group—Wednesdays at 7 pm starting September 25th.
¨ Montanez Home Group—2nd & 4th Thursdays starting Sept 26th 7 pm (pabloimontanez@gmail.com)
¨ The Foundry—1st three Fridays of the month (childcare provided) starting October 4th 6:30 pm at CHRISTchurch (alecxavierj@gmail.com)

Coffee Grounds: Men meeting on Monday mornings for coffee, fellowship and working around the church property 9:00 am Contact: John Deutsch

You're invited to join us for a tasty lunch, great fellowship and interesting topics! We meet once a month on the 1st Sunday after the worship service starting in April. For those 60+
Questions? Contact Wayne Olhoft EMAIL
Check out some of our small groups. Feel free to visit one of the small groups listed below! Just join one!!