Adult Ministries

Sage Sister Groups:
Sage Sister Groups. Email the leaders for more information!
The Chosen Bible Study - Email Judy Grinsell at grinsells@msn.com
Shut in's - Email Deb Znameroski at znameroski@comcast.net
Fall Retreat - October 25-27th. Click the link above to register.​
If you need help getting connected or finding a group please contact ccwomensmin@gmail.com We would love to help you connect!
Questions? Email Women's Ministry for more info!

Jesus says, "Come and follow Me." As followers of Christ, CHRISTchurch Men seek a life-changing experience with Jesus. We encourage fellowship and accountability that keeps men engaged and builds relationships. We do this through large and small group activities, service projects, breakfasts and cook-outs, teaching, worship and just spending time together.
For more information email Men's Ministries: EMAIL