Children & Youth

Welcome to CcKids! We are so glad you are here!
There are so many ways for your family to safely stay in touch with us during this season:
On Sunday mornings, join us for Sunday School at the 10am service! Families worship and take communion together, and during the sermon kids ages 3 years – 5th grade are invited downstairs to learn about God, worship, and have fun together in safe, socially distanced ways. If your family is more comfortable staying upstairs together for the whole service, a sanitized activity bucket is available for use.
The nursery is also open during Worship and is staffed during the sermon time for children from Birth-3 years! Our teachers and staff work together to ensure that our nursery is cleaned and sanitized from top to bottom each week before use. Come play and learn about God’s love with us!

For more information contact Children's Pastor Alyssa Childs or Jenn Nibbe EMAIL
Generation Church (youth)

GC (Generation Church) meets Wednesday Nights at 7PM for 6th graders and up. A typical Wednesday night consists of Word, Worship, and Chair Groups.
For more information contact GC Pastor Cal Mader EMAIL